Coming soon: Sophos ID – One account to access all Sophos web services

Coming soon: Sophos ID – One account to access all Sophos web services

SophosIDOver the coming months we’ll be migrating web services used by our customers and partners to Sophos ID, giving you one account to access all the web services you subscribe to.

Beginning in mid-August, we’re enabling login via Sophos ID for MySophos and SophServ. Using your Sophos ID, you’ll also be able to access Sophos Community, a merger of SophosTalk and Sophos FreeTalk. Later this year, we’ll enable Sophos ID for our partners to access the Partner Portal, Cloud Partner Dashboard, and Sophos Cloud Firewall Manager.

Existing accounts for one or more of these services will be automatically moved to Sophos ID, so you won’t need to register for a new Sophos ID account if you have a MySophos account today. For your security, when you log in for the first time you will need to reset your password.

We plan to enable Sophos ID for more web services soon, until all services will be accessed via Sophos ID. We’ll keep you updated on these closer to launch.

Filed under: Corporate, Partners, Support Tagged: Cloud Partner, MySophos, Sophos ID, SophosTalk, SophServ


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